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  • Immagine del redattoreSundarii

Change of plans

I was thinking about my life last night and about this project: Outside the sky was dark blue, shining through my bedroom window. I was extremely tired and about to collapse into my dreams when a sudden thought hit me unexpectedly: you must do the film about yourself. And somehow inside my head I answered: yes! Rested and wide awake, I am seriously considering the idea now, but I need to reflect on it longer before taking a decision. I somehow feel though, that this is the right decision.

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Two teaching exercises have influenced particularly the making of my film in terms of methodology, theory and focus. Firstly, on the first lecture, we were asked to walk around the classroom and explo

The start

Even though I had no idea of what I was going to do the film about when I entered the classroom last week, I did as I left it. The idea hit me in the middle of the class. During our first seminar our

Keep going

After taking a break from filming and focusing on my wellbeing more, I feel more calm and equilibrated. I am learning to manage depression thanks to my favourite therapist, Jayne, who is so beautiful,

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